
Watching from the outside

Recently, while I was doing Surya Namaskar (Salute to the Sun), a Yoga sequence I use to do in the morning, pretty good to stretch the whole body, I realized about how hard is to keep an impersonal approach at some edge situations. I remembered a very insightful book called The Four Agreements, where basically […]


10 minutes every day

I’m a regular meditation practitioner. I mean “regular” because I meditate often, at several brief moments along my day: when I wake up, when I walk, when I eat, when I drink something and so on. It’s very hard for me to be in a mindfulness state for an hour every day, so I just […]


The Reason Why

The purpose seems to be a fashion thing nowadays. Are you willing to give your best to develop your maximum potential? Have you realized that when you follow your passion, even the hard things become pleasant?

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